주택 판매로 인한 스트레스를 줄이는 데 도움이 되는 몇 가지 방법을 소개합니다.

Anthony Guerriero, 9/13/21 9:20 AM


집을 파는 것은 인생에서 중요한 전환점입니다. 그곳에는 역사가 있습니다. 추억을 만들었습니다. 자녀를 키웠고 인생의 또 다른 장을 계획하기 시작했습니다. 하지만 집을 10개월 동안 소유했든 10년 동안 소유했든 집을 팔 때 스트레스를 줄이는 것은 가능합니다.

The Money Aspect

Have a figure in mind that you hope to get from the sale of your home, but don’t be afraid to be flexible. Keep an open mind about the types of financing you will accept depending on what your finances will allow. Many companies can offer a cash deal which will take a lot of stress out of the situation. The upside is you will have cash in hand without the back and forth that are part of most conventional sales. A potential downside is that you will not have the bargaining power, as you will most likely be offered a flat cash price.

Choose an Agent on Your Wavelength

Make sure the real estate agent you choose to work with has the same goals for you that you want for yourself when it comes to selling your home. Be sure they can see the human aspect and stressors of the process, not only selling a piece of property for the highest price. You are putting your trust in them and allowing them to handle many hundreds of thousands of dollars on your behalf. Choosing an agent is not something to take lightly.

Guidelines for Showing

Having strangers in and out of your home can be disconcerting and inconvenient. Talk to your Realtor about specific hours that you are willing to have your home shown that would not disrupt your family too much. Discuss if you will want to be home when potential buyers are looking, or if you will plan to be away for a set period of time.

An open house could be beneficial as far as getting multiple potential buyers to see your home over the course of a weekend or certain days of the week. This does have the drawback of so many people in your space and many of those tend to be just looking. A common way to avoid that is for your agent to schedule video tours of your home. This is convenient for the potential buyer as well as you, the seller.

Best Time to Sell

Check with your Realtor about the optimal time to put your house on the market. Look at other home sales in your neighborhood and how the housing market has fluctuated over the last few years and which seasons have been more productive. History could give some insight as far as types of homes that have been in demand in your area as well as what sales have been.

Avoiding stress when selling a home might not come easy, but it is possible. Focus on your goal. Remember that once your home sells, you will be able to embark on a new adventure in your new home, a home where your family will be able to start building new memories.


We will be in VA on Sep 29th, TO on Sep 30th, and MO on Oct 1st, 2020


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